Why Self Storage is Great for Homeowners

Why self-storage is great for homeowners

If there is one thing we all have in common, it’s that we acquire a lot of stuff. And the longer that we live in one house, the more items we accumulate. Take my parents, who recently moved house for the first time after 50 years in the same place. As we dragged box after box down from the attic, we discovered everything from their own school memorabilia to our childhood toys, aged record players and modern, empty boxes for gadgets and gaming systems. It’s a visible history of family life.
If your own home is starting to feel just a little bit crammed, then it’s time we showed you the benefits of self-storage units. 
Declutter and destress
Stress and wellbeing are the buzzwords of the year – and it’s not really surprising considering the huge impact that both have on our mental health. To destress yourself and look after your own wellbeing, you need a place where you can relax and unwind after a long day at work. Being surrounded by clutter can be very stressful, so a good clear out can help you turn your living space from overwhelming to calm and welcoming. 
A clear out does not mean that you have to throw away all your precious furniture and favourite belongings though. It just means that you could do with organising your possessions into things that serve a daily purpose, and items you use less often or just want as keepsakes. And that’s where having your own self-storage unit can be great. It’s an extra room or cupboard that keeps your unused items safe, clean and dry until you actually need them.
Make space to expand your family
There comes a time when you might need to turn an extra bedroom into a home office. Or maybe relatives are coming for a long stay, and you need to turn your home office back into a spare room. Perhaps the walk-in dressing room is about to become a nursery. Over time the uses we put our rooms to changes depending on our circumstances – and when that happens, a self-storage until can be a handy temporary storage space to keep unneeded furniture and larger items, just until things return to normal. 
An extra attic while you need it
Talking of temporary changes, we all know that the smaller the child, the larger the toys and equipment we seem to need. When you start growing your family you’ll have cots, pushchairs, buggies and bouncers, all of which your firstborn will use and grow out of fairly quickly. Then you’ll need somewhere to store it all until your next child comes along. 
When you live in a flat, or smaller home without an attic at all, where do you keep all these items until they are needed again? And it’s not just toddler toys that will be useful for a few years and then can be sold on – you’ve got seasonal items like Christmas trees and decorations that need somewhere to live for eleven months of the year. When you need an attic of your own, a small self-storage unit gives you plenty of options. 
Renovating and decorating
The great thing about your self-storage unit is that contracts can be short-term. So, if you’re renovating your home or decorating a room or two, you might only need to move your sofa and soft furnishings to safety for a couple of weeks. The flexibility of your unit means you can easily keep everything stored away for the short-term – and while your furniture is safe from paint, builders and scratches, you’ll have more room at home to swing the paintbrush. 
So, if you are a homeowner who just needs a little space to breath – for short-term use or as a long-term solution – a self-storage unit might be just the answer. Our modern storage facility is clean and bright and keeps your belongings damp-free and complete safe in our individually alarmed units. If you’d like more information, just get in touch today.